
Most frameworks emphasize general-purpose JSON binding. Default is easy, customization is hard. Limberest takes a contrary approach with its Jsonable interface. You get the basics for free (through Java 8’s default interface methods), but edge-cases may require you to implement something. That something gives you a very straightforward way to exercise full control. You can override and customize parsing and serialization by simply implementing a constructor and a toJson() method.

Jsonables deal in org.json.JSONObjects. This exposes a lightweight, ubiquitous binding protocol. By convention, every Jsonable declares a constructor that takes a JSONObject. Take a look at the constructor for the Credit class in limberest-demo:

    public Credit(JSONObject json) {

The call to bind() is where the magic happens by way of Limberest’s autobinding mechanism. Always call bind() unless you want to completely bypass autobinding, or your model class extends another Jsonable in its inheritance chain whose constructor already calls bind(). This is the case with Movie, whose constructor invokes super(JSONObject) so that its base class Item’s inherited properties will be autobound to any constructed Movie object.

Here’s what Item’s constructor looks like:

    public Item(JSONObject json) {
        // explicitly bind id since it has no public setter
        if (json.has("id"))
            id = json.getString("id");

Notice how the id property is bound explicitly. Limberest autobinding won’t work in this case since it relies on reflection. Our handling of id shows how we can take charge of binding for special cases where autobinding doesn’t produce what we want.

The constructor convention handles JSON content on the way in. For serializing Java objects to JSON on the way out, Jsonables expose the toJson() method. For this, again, the default behavior requires no coding. The Credit class does not even implement toJson(). However, in Movie we override toJson() to get some special behavior:

     * Overridden since rating (float) is a nonstandard JSONObject type.
    public JSONObject toJson() {
      JSONObject json = super.toJson();
      if (rating > 0)
          json.put("rating", BigDecimal.valueOf(rating).setScale(1));
      else if (json.has("rating"))
          json.remove("rating"); // zero means unrated
      return json;

Almost all of Movie’s properties are autopopulated by calling super.toJson(). However, we want special handling for the rating property, so we override toJson() to take care of that field only.

Limberest autobinding cascades through contained and inherited Jsonables to build a complete JSON representation of your Java object model. Movie extends Item for its properties, and contains a list of Credit Jsonables. The limberest-demo model object tree results in complete two-way binding between JSON and Java. Since Jsonable is an interface, any existing model hierarchy can be hooked up to Limberest and exposed as a JSON REST service API.


Automatic validation and binding works as follows for various date/date-time formats.


JSON Property Ordering

You’re probably aware that JSON object property order is not considered significant. This is a central tenet of the JSON format specification. Limberest makes use of a custom JSONObject extension that provides repeatable, predictable ordering of JSON properties. This makes it possible to write automated tests that evaluate outcomes by straight text comparison of formatted JSON (see the Testing topics). It also makes it easy for humans to perform eyeball comparisons and locate mismatches. This is not to be construed as an indication that JSON property ordering is significant in Limberest.

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